Anti- Redskins Commercial To Be Played During NBA Finals
By Matthew Laux

The name of the Washington Redskins remains in the lime light and it doesn’t appear Native Americans will allow the discussion to end without a drastic change. Today, the Washington Post reported that the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation has funded a sixty second commercial that will air during halftime of tonight’s NBA Finals match up between the San Antonio Spurs and Miami Heat. The California based tribe paid for the anti- Redskins commercial in hopes of spreading their message to the large viewing audience. The tribe said it made a “significant investment” in order to afford the commercial which will run in the major media markets of Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Sacramento, San Francisco and Washington.
After originally being released post Super Bowl, the ad received footing when it received over two million Youtube views. The clip contains a montage of pictures and video footage highlighting the pride of the Native American tribe. Finally, the narrator concludes with exclamatory sentences of “Native Americans call themselves many things. The one thing they don’t” and suddenly an image of the Redskins helmet appears.
This commercial is just another step Native Americans hope to make in order to change the Redskins name. Still, it remains to be seen the impact of the ad during just one event. If the Native Americans hope to compete with the rich prowess of owner Daniel Snyder, it’s going to take a lot more.